Are you ready to join a great congregation of Israelites?
We look forward to having you join the family and fellowshipping with you online through our website, our Private Facebook Group, and in person at our Local Church.
Please complete the form below to register for Membership and we will get back to you within 24 Hours to welcome you into the congregation.
Your registration will give you access to our Online Church Membership Member’s Only Sections as well as our Local Congregation in Phoenix AZ.
We focus on 6 areas for our Memberships:
Attend – We have service in person 4 times a week at our Phoenix location. 2 of these Services are streamed live to our Online Membership and starting very soon we will have a special Online Q&A Bible Study Service just for our Online Members. So attendance is very important to your membership because you can’t be part of something if you’re not present.
Pray – We ask and expect our members to pray for each other and the growth of our Church. The Israelite Awakening is happening and more and more brothers and sisters are waking up every day. We must be committed to praying for one another.
Give – Giving Tithes and Offerings is an act of worship and obedience. You should know that we are NOT a 501c3 business. We are an actual church and all of our activities and needs are supported entirely by the giving of our members.
Serve – Use your Spirit-given gifts to edify the body and build the Kingdom. We have a Spiritual Gifts Test right here on our site to help you identify your Spiritual Gifts. We also have many opportunities both online and in-person for you to use your gifts.
Live Holy – Your actions, in private and in public, affect the health and reputation of the body. We hope that you will fight sin in your own life by Keeping the Commandments and growing in Yah’s grace and also be quick to confess your sins, forsake them and ask for help when you need it. After all, we are a body and we should be here to support one another.
Evangelize – You’re a missionary sent by the Most High into your local area to share the Truth with them in your words and actions. You are also a representative our Church in your area, neighborhood, home, and workplace.