What We Believe

We believe we must walk as The Messiah Walked and Love as he Loved.

Our purpose is to teach the true word of Yahawah according to the Law and the Testimony.

We observe the Sabbath Day, the Holy Feast Days, and we strive to keep the commandments, as outlined in the Old Testament.

We teach and observe Torah (the Law), which is summarized in the Ten Commandments.

We believe in the resurrection from the dead and that Yahawashi is the King of Kings who will rule forever. We believe Yahawashi is the Savior of all people who join themselves to the Father by keeping the commandments and believing that He died for their sins and rose from the dead. We believe that the Father’s House “shall be a house of prayer for all people”. (Isaiah 56:7)

Specifically Concerning Yahawah

We call him by his ancient Hebrew name of Yahawah.

Yah is the eternal, all-powerful, supreme creator and sustainer of the universe. Yah is one, composed of spirit and comprising a family consisting of 3 spirit beings known as The Godhead: Yahawah is the Father, and Yahawashi Hamashiach is the Son, and rawak Ha Qadash is the Holy Spirit.

Specifically Concerning Yahawashi

We call him by His Ancient Hebrew Name of Yahawashi.

He is the Son of Yahawah and the Holy One of Israel. He is the prophesied Messiah of the Old Testament and is described in the New Testament as being the Word made flesh. He is the second member of the Godhead and He has existed throughout eternity as the “Word”. He emptied Himself of this power and His majesty and became a human being to die for the sins of all mankind as our loving and merciful Savior. He is resurrected by Yahawah the Father and ascended to heaven to become our High Priest. We beleive that he shall return to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, and rule as King of Kings with His saints forever in Jerusalem.

Specifically Concerning the Holy Spirit

We call him by his Ancient Hebrew name Rawak Haqadash.

The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Godhead and will lead the true believer into all truth and reveal Spiritual, Mental and Physical things that could not be understood or known without divine revelation. The Holy Spirit will be given to those who keep the Law of Yahawah and have the Testimony of Yahawashi. Isaiah 8:20 KJV.

Specifically Concerning The Bible

The authorized Bible, The King James Version, is the divinely inspired Word of Yah containing His plan of salvation, and the record of His Will for all mankind. The Bible is Yah’s master plan and guidelines for eternal life. It is the foundation of knowledge, and man’s instruction manual of life. The Old and New Testaments, with the Apocrypha, comprise Yah’s written Word. We also read from Jubliees, Jasher and Enoch.

We Believe In Water Baptism

We believe, and teach that Baptism is performed by submersion in water, and that through baptism is offered the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. We believe as Yahawashi said, that a believer must be baptized in the “name” of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit so we do NOT baptize in titles but in the actual Ancient Hebrew names.

We Believe the True Way to Eternal Life is in the Scriptures

We believe, and teach that the true way to eternal life is found within the pages of the Holy Scriptures and is revealed to us through the Precepts, by the will of The Father. It is through the Holy Scriptures that we are instructed in the true path of righteousness and holiness. (Isaiah 34:16, 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:16-20, Isaiah 8:20)

We Believe That We Must Follow the Law & Commandments

We believe, and teach that the Commandments and the Gospel were revealed to us by the authority, power, and Spirit of The Father through Yahawashi Hamashiach. We believe that it is by living in accordance with the Commandments of Yahawah and the Testimony of Yahawashi, that we will be saved in the day of Judgment. (1 John 2:28:29, 1 John 4:17, Revelations 22:14)

To sum it all up believe that Yahawashi is the Way, the Truth, and the Life that mankind should be following to receive the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life.

We Believe what the Word says